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Tomsk National Research Medical Center (Tomsk NRMC) was established  on July 1, 2016 on the initiative of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FASO)  of Russia by uniting  Tomsk academic medical institutes, such as Cancer Research Institute, Cardiology Research Institute; Mental Health Research Institute; Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine; Research Institute of Medical Genetics;  Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology and Tyumen Cardiology Center.

In modern conditions, the systematic unification of the potential of academic research institutes within a single center is strategically significant and will allow responding to modern challenges through the implementation of a multidisciplinary approach with the creation of new infrastructures that ensure the steady dynamic development of fundamental and applied science and the solution of socially significant health problems.

Leading scientists of the Center recognized both inside and outside the country are the heads of research projects. For over 30 years, successful research, clinical, and educational activities of the institutes have been focused on solving the priority scientific tasks and providing specialized help to the major part of the population living on the territory from Ural to Sakhalin. This consideration legitimately implies that the institutes play role of the leading institutions of in their fields in the east of the country.

Tomsk NRMC holds Russian leadership in several scientific areas, has recognized scientific schools, and implements competitive fundamental projects: competitive projects have been supported by Russian Science Foundation, The Russian Foundation for Basic Research, etc. Availability of necessary skills allows for implementation of fundamental studies across a broad range of modern medicine issues; inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary scientific works integrating acquired knowledge with the methods and approaches from other scientific fields; and targeting fundamental studies creating scientific premises of novel technologies.

Capability for creation of innovative healthcare products is based on the longstanding close collaboration of Tomsk NRMC with the leading scientists and the technical engineers who have great expertise in the development and the implementation of new technological solutions for medicine.

Large specialized clinics equipped with state-of-art diagnostic and treatment facilities and highly skilled professional employees allow translation of innovative research into clinical practice.

Professor Evgeny L. Choynzonov, MD, PhD, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been appointed Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Order of FASO Russia #425 from June 30, 2016). 

Since December 19, 2018, the temporary duties of the Director of Tomsk  National Research  Medical  Center have been  assigned to  Prof. Stepanov Vadim A, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2018 No. 20-3 / 531).