Vladimir V. Udut
Vladimir V. Udut, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, Deputy Director on Scientific and Clinical Work, Head of the Laboratory of Physiology, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology of Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of RAS.
Contact details
e-mail: udutv@mail.ru
tel.: +7 (3822) 41-83-74
fax: +7 (3822) 41-83-75
Brief Biography
Udut Vladimir Vasilyevich in 1976 graduated from Medical Faculty of Tomsk Medical Institute. Since 1979 he has been working in Academic Institutions of Siberian Branch. From 1995 to the present time he is deputy director of the Institute of Pharmacology. Candidate of Medical Sciences (1986), Doctor of Medical Sciences (1994), Senior Researcher in the specialty “Pharmacology” (1993), Professor in the specialty “Pathological Physiology” (1995), Honoured Worker of Science of Russian Federation (2004), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences in the specialty "Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology" (2011).
Research Interests
Udut Vladimir Vasilievich is an expert in the field of pharmacology, clinical and molecular pharmacology, pathophysiology, hematology and regenerative medicine. The main direction of Udut V.V. scientific research is the study of the adaptophenotypic determinant of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics variability of drugs for the basic therapy of disregulatory diseases and the development of technologies for their treatment. These data formed the basis for the practical implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring programs and the development of technologies for pathogenetically justified therapy for the treatment of socially significant diseases. The cycle of his research on the interaction of laser and LED radiation with the body tissues formed the basis for the creation of phototherapeutic devices included in the register of new medical equipment in the Russian Federation. Under his leadership, an important section of the I-II phases of clinical trials of new and reproduced drugs planned for release by the domestic industry is being carried out. As a result of fundamental research, he developed the concept of permanent fibrinogenesis as a combination of the participation of geographically and functionally isolated links to provide the hemostatic potential: vascular-platelet, coagulation, anticoagulant and fibrinolytic. Udut V.V. is a co-author of the new direction of targeted therapy in regenerative medicine "Strategies for the pharmacological regulation of intracellular signal transduction in progenitor cells” which assumes the use of selective pharmacological effects as targets of the intracellular cascade of signal transduction involved in the process of realizing the growth potential of the progenitor elements.
Udut V.V. is the author of more than 480 printed scientific works, 10 of them are monographs and 3 methodical recommendations of the "Guidelines for preclinical research of new medicines" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The results of his works are protected by 61 patents for inventions.
Under his leadership, 13 doctoral and 42 candidate dissertations were defended.
Achievements, awards, and grants
Udut V.V. is a laureate of the prizes of the Governor of Tomsk Region in the field of education and science (2003), Presidium of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2004), the State Prize of Novosibirsk Region for achievements in the field of science and technology (2013), he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation ( 2000), a badge "Honored worker of public health services" (2002), a memorable badge "Coat of arms of Tomsk Region" (2016).
The research carried out under his leadership and with his participation was supported by a number of state and commercial foundations, including grants from the RFBR (2000, 2001, 2009), the Federal Target Program "PHARMA 2020" for 2009-2013.
V.V. Udut is deputy chairman of the Medical and Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences Section of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. He is the member of Editorial board of the Siberian Medical Journal, expert on the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of drugs developed and produced in the territory of Siberia and the Far East, expert of RAS. Udut V.V. is chief freelance clinical pharmacologist of the Siberian Federal District. With his direct participation an international (Russian-Netherlands) scientific research laboratory for the modeling of physical processes in biology and medicine was organized at the Tomsk State University and the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands.
Main Publications
Laser phototherapy (theory and practice) . Tyutrin II, Udut VV, Prokopiev VE, Naumov SA, Tatarnikov VA, Karpov AB, Borodulina EV. – Tomsk, 1994. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26263943
Regularities of the structural organization of life support systems in the norm and in the development of the pathological process. ED Goldberg, VV Udut, IA Khlusov, AM Dygai, SA Naumov. – Tomsk, 1996. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23689686
Medicinal plants in the therapy of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Zueva EP, Reyhart DV, Krylova SG, Razina TG, Amosova EN, Udut VV. – Tomsk, 2003. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25287054
Nanotechnology in pharmacology. Dygai AM, Artamonov AV, Bekarev AA, Zhdanov VV, Zyuzkov GN, Madonov PG, Udut VV. – M .: Publishing House of RAMS, 2011. 136 pp. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21928716
Methodological recommendations for the study of hepatoprotective activity of drugs. Vengerovsky AI, Udut VV, Reyhart DV, Dygai AM. – In the book: A guideline to conducting preclinical research of drugs of Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. Moscow, 2012. P. 712-720. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23202758
Methodological recommendations on the preclinical study of the prostatotropic activity of new drugs. Borovskaya TG, Fomina TI, Durnev AD, Udut VV, Pakhomova AV, Yurmazov ZA, Dygai A.M. – In the book: A guideline to conducting preclinical research of drugs of Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. – Moscow, 2012. P. 727-739. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24829546
Low-frequency piezotromboelastography in the diagnosis of hemostasis disorders. Tyutrin II, Udut VV, Shpisman MN. Methodical guideline for doctors. – Tomsk, 2013. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=26197324
Clinico-hemostasiological disorders in the pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis of various etiologies. Chuikova KI, Bogushevich SA, Udut VV. – Tomsk, 2014. Access mode: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=25699396
Patent (RU) for the invention. A method for rapid assessment of the functional state of hemostasis system. Tyutrin II, Stetsenko AI, Udut VV, Gribov SA, Semiglazova TA, Soloviev MA, Borodulina E.V. № 2413954, 08.06.2009. Access mode: http://www.fips.ru/Archive/PAT/2011FULL/2011.03.10/DOC/RUNWC2/000/000/002/413/954/document.pdf