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The 3rd Workshop Single Cell Sequencing taken place in Tomsk from 23 to 27 August 2021

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  • The 3rd Workshop Single Cell Sequencing taken place in Tomsk from 23 to 27 August 2021

The aim of the meeting was to gain hands-on experience and rapidly acquire knowledge in advanced research topics such as single-cell sequencing.

The Workshop held as part of the event to "Research carried out by world-class scientific laboratories in the framework of the implementation of the priorities of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation" approved by the research program of President of the Russian Federation by project “New strategy for the prediction and prevention of distant metastasis based on the detection of circulating metastasis-initiating and niche-forming cells and their specific targets” supported by the Russian Science Found (project №19-75-30016).

Leading Russian and foreign specialists read lections about single-cell sequencing, and workshops of sample preparation, bioinformatic analysis, cDNA library preparation by technologies of Chromium (10x Genomic), BD Rhapsody (Becton Dickinson), Tapestri (Mission Bio), and QIAseq (Qiagen) provided for enhancing and supplement the knowledge and practical skills of participants. On the third day, a round table discussion “Experience in Single-Cell Sequencing” brought together scientists working on molecular and cell biology, genetic and bioinformatic.

Representatives of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Medical University of Viena (Austria), University of Freiburg (Germany), Harvard Medical School (USA), Princeton University (USA), Rockefeller University (USA), German Cancer Research Center and others reported their impactful results at the event. Laboratory of tumor progression members acted as the main organizer of the event, practical training leaders, and speakers at the round table.

The organization of the 3rd Workshop provided an effective integration platform for single-cell sequencing researchers to make new discoveries in the molecular pathogenesis of many diseases. This may become the basis for organizing the first consortium in the Russian Federation, which will include Russian and foreign specialists.

  • Organizers: Tomsk National Research Medical Center, ITMO University, Russian Science Found
  • Partners: Skygen, 10x Genomics, Helicon, Qiagen, Bioline, Becton Dickinson, ATGC Company, Mission Bio, BioCommerce, Albiogen, Illumina, Alamed, Biogene-Analitika, GenEra, Eppendorf, and Lacopa.