The rescheduled event will take place on 7-12 July 2022.
Location: Lystvyanka, Hotel Mayak (near Irkutsk on the shore of the Baikal lake in Siberia (Russia))
Organisers: Evgeny V. DENISOV (Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russia), Alexis GAUTREAU (Ecole Polytechnique, France) and Guangshuo OU (Tsinghua University, China)
Number of participants: limited to 70
Why a meeting at the Baikal Lake? The Baikal Lake, the largest reserve of freshwater of the world, has remained a preserved wild place. Accommodation is what limits the number of participants to 70. European and Asian populations meet and merge in the Baikal region, which is a legendary place in many cultures.
France and China are at the two ends of Eurasia. Russia is in between. The Russian organizer, Evgeny Denisov, who works in Tomsk in central Siberia, is originally from the region of the Baikal Lake. Alexis Gautreau has developed many ties with Russia through the creation of an International Associated Laboratory (LIA) supported by CNRS and RFBR. Guangshuo Ou spent a sabbatical stay in Ecole Polytechnique and has become well known to the French Cell Biology community. The three organizers decided to gather their close colleagues and to make them meet by the shore of the Baikal Lake, where Evgeny will host us.
We have put together a program where researchers interested in the fundamental process of cell migration will meet the researchers focused on the mechanisms by which cancer cells disseminate. The two fields have numerous contact sites that are specifically explored by us. The meeting is enriched in French, Russian and Chinese researchers, due to the origin of the organizers and specific national financial supports. But the meeting is naturally open to any researcher independently from its nationality or place of work.
Come share your Science with us in a friendly spirit! Join us at the Baikal Lake!
Alexis, Evgeny and Guangshuo