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Tomsk Scientists Have Patented a New Organoprotection Technology in Cardiovascular Surgery

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  • Tomsk Scientists Have Patented a New Organoprotection Technology in Cardiovascular Surgery

New technology, proposed by scientists from the Cardiology Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC, allows surgeons to minimize an internal injury during heart surgery. It is manifested by a reduced risk of surgical implications and a more favourable course of the postoperative period. 

Researchers from the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Cardiology Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC, Yuri Podoksenov (Dr. Sci (Med.), Leading Researcher) and Nikolai Kamenshchikov (Cand. Sci. (Med.), Junior Researcher, intensivist) are the authors of the new technology.

-Yuri Podoksenov: «For the first time in cardiac surgery in Russia and one of the first in the world, we proposed the technology for nitric oxide delivery directly during cardiopulmonary bypass during the surgical operations on the heart.  Several organ damage with the subsequent development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome is a frequent complication after cardiac surgery, which leads to increased case fatality rates, duration of the intensive care stay, and the overall duration of hospitalization. That's why intraoperative patient protection remains one of the most pressing issues of modern cardiac surgery, which can affect the improvement of clinical outcomes".  

To eliminate the harmful effects of the surgical period and, in particular, cardiopulmonary bypass, scientists used nitric oxide – one of the most important bioregulators in the human body. The method proposed by scientists, allows to reduce heart, kidneys, brain and intestines damage.

Earlier, the nitric oxide uses in cardiovascular surgery were limited to inhalation in cases of severe pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.

·       Pulmonary hypertension is a condition of increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation, which leads to right ventricle pressure overload (

The technology has already been introduced into clinical practice of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department of Cardiology Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC, and the guidelines have been developed. Widespread use will improve the treatment outcomes of cardiological patients. Scientists obtained 7 patents (Russian Federation) based on their work. The research findings were published in top-rated journals.